Friday, February 3, 2012

How to make your feet more compact? | Health and Fitness Source

Question by : How to make your feet more compact?
I?ve heard that American middle distance runner Alan Webb used to do foot exercises that made his feet smaller, he used to have lots of leg problems early in high school until his coach had him do foot exercises, then he dropped from shoe size 11 to 9 and didn?t have any more problems. A teammate on my cross country team claims to have done something similar. Has anyone reading this ever experienced success in compacting their feet, and if so can you share with me what exercises you did? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Apollenaire
I would ask that you use your powers of reasoning and common sense. How would exercising your feet make the bones in those feet any smaller?

What do you think? Answer below!

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Tags: compact, feet, more


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