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I have a majorly long backstory that I wouldn't want to bore you with at the present time, but for the sake of conveying information, here's a basic outline:
-'Angels' are more like deities because their soul purpose is to travel between galaxies creating life on planets that can sustain it.
-When the angels created humans, they were different from their other prior creations because they didn't respect the land and the other humans.
-The angels leave, thinking that this problem would sort itself out (because angels can't destroy their own creations), but then return after several centuries to try again. Too bad for them, the humans are still alive and have deconstructed their planet to reconstruct it how they see fit. They're also fighting wars among each other.
-The second time around, they've brought a younger angel with them who can't understand why her angel brethren would just leave behind the humans in their misery. There must be something we can do...
-The other angels don't hear the young one, and in turn, the angel 'loses her innocence' and her heart is corrupt with dark energy, so she crashes into earth after her wings splinter away and turn the color of charcoal, losing her ability to travel through space and becoming the first Fallen Angel that this universe has seen.
-Upon testing her ability to create life, the fallen angel creates a shadow demon by the name of Umbrok.
-Shadow demons are tall, dark (bluish-tinted) skinned, red-eyed, sharp-teethed creatures who can take the form of a shadow/smoke.
-After conversing together, they decide that Velyssa, the fallen angel is right for believing the way humans act is wrong and that they need a sole ruler over them to keep them in check.
-Umbrok begins to recruit humans who are close to death (at first, only humans who have been nearly murdered by their own kind, but it doesn't take long to branch out to the sick, etc.).
-Umbrok brings said humans back to the angel who corrupts their souls and turns them into vampires: immortal, blood-thirsty, darkness-thriving creatures.
-Vampires can blend in with humans except for their pale skin and fangs. If they have fed recently, and can resist their urge to kill, then they won't have a problem being around humans for a while. Isolation and not drinking human blood makes them weak, and their weakness makes them intolerant of the sun. The sun and fire will return them to their normal 'human weaknesses', making them destroy-able. Set a vampire on fire, and it won't survive for long.
-Yes, I said vampires can blend in with humans, however, the corrupt soul within them makes them 'controllable' by the fallen angel, not to the extent where said vampires will do her bidding, but they will lose all of their inhibitions when the fallen so chooses, causing them to have no problem killing even their closest friends or relatives.
-After this first 'controlling' happens (I'll continue on referring to it as the 'blood oath'), it sends out a beacon of dark energy into the galaxies (due to a miscalculation on power needed to control these vampires by Velyssa) alerting the angels of the evil afoot.
-The angels return to see vampires beginning to pick off the human race bit by bit without any means to fight back, so they believe that it is their duty to give them power against these creatures.
-The angels seek out those who are pure of heart and grant them an ability that would help them defend themselves.
-Umbrok reports the angels and their happenings to Velyssa who further commands Umbrok to bring her those who seek power, but the angels hadn't given it to them.
-When Velyssa receives these humans, she removes the 'death-force' within their soul (corrupting it and making them controllable via the blood oath), leaving behind only their life-force making them further ageless and able to control the dead. These corrupted humans are known as necromancers and they typically lose their minds with power and infatuation for the dead.
-Let it be noted that a 'death-force' taken from a human doesn't simply disappear. Velyssa renders it into a demon of death.
-When the blood oath takes them over, the necromancers use their powers and they and the reanimated dead go on a mindless killing spree.
-Death demons are tall, like shadow demons, but their skin is completely white. Their hair is transparent, like fishing wire. Their eyes have lone, ghostly pupils within them. They look as if their made of simply skin and bones (no muscle). Wherever they go, they can absorb the life from around them, turning it into their strength/muscle. They can only teleport in their weakest form.
-Before the angels hear about the necromancers and death demons, they plan to take their leave. They can't remain on one planet forever.
-However, they mean to give future humans a chance to protect themselves, so they visit certain elders in certain regions and grant them the power to give abilities to other humans.
-Once the angels leave, humans begin swarming the elders and they have to check each visitor for purity of heart before they can grant them any power.
-Another setback would be that the elders have only a basic idea of how to use these abilities, and upon first attempts, it is perceived that a human might not have received any power, however, on the night of the first following full moon, these humans who were the rare anomaly to not receive power transformed into wicked creatures who killed and pillaged everything in sight until morning.
Well, that introduces the basis of the story line. Except that there is another, (I believe) final type of demon referred to as 'The Wicked'. They look just like humans, though some are known to have horns or wings, and they also have strange eye color (purple, red, dark green, etc.). They have no special abilities beyond being extraordinarily charming and persuasive. They look harmless enough, but their job is to take advantage of a human's sinful nature and send them to the brink of their destruction, so a shadow demon or death demon can recruit them to the fallen angel. They can pose as the perfect best friend or lover and make you develop habits and addictions that can break a person down.
Anyway, that's my story. I'm sorry it's so long. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer them.
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway
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In this video grab provided by Fox 10 News, a vehicle involved in a police car chase is followed on an interstate highway by a television station helicopter west of Phoenix, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. Police say a man fatally shot himself in the head on live national television at the end of the high-speed chase that began in Phoenix when the driver stopped, ran into the desert and placed a handgun to his head and fired. (AP Photo/Fox 10 News)
In this video grab provided by Fox 10 News, a vehicle involved in a police car chase is followed on an interstate highway by a television station helicopter west of Phoenix, Friday, Sept. 28, 2012. Police say a man fatally shot himself in the head on live national television at the end of the high-speed chase that began in Phoenix when the driver stopped, ran into the desert and placed a handgun to his head and fired. (AP Photo/Fox 10 News)
Map shows Tonopah Arizona, where a suspected car-jacker appears to shoot himself on live television.
PHOENIX (AP) ? Authorities still haven't released the identity of a man who fatally shot himself in the head on live national television at the end of a high-speed carjacking chase that began in Phoenix and ended close to the California border.
Fox News was covering the chase that began about midday Friday using a live helicopter shot from Phoenix affiliate KSAZ-TV. The man driving a copper-colored four-door sedan stopped, ran into the desert and placed a handgun to his head and fired.
The man was declared dead at the scene, according to Sgt. Tommy Thompson, a Phoenix police spokesman.
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith told viewers that the video was supposed to be on a 10-second delay so it could be cut off from airing if something went awry.
"We really messed up, and we're all very sorry," Smith said.
Fox apologized for showing the violence on air.
"We took every precaution to avoid any such live incident by putting the helicopter pictures on a five second delay," said Michael Clemente, executive vice president of news editorial. "Unfortunately, this mistake was the result of a severe human error and we apologize for what viewers ultimately saw on the screen."
More frequently than its rivals, Fox News Channel picks up car chases from its local affiliates and airs them live. It's gripping television, a live mystery with no clear resolution, and often provides a short-term ratings boost as viewers tune in to see how it ends. Critics say the chases themselves rarely rise to the level of national news. The Phoenix station was not airing the chase live when it ended.
Thompson said the man allegedly stole a car from a couple at gunpoint outside a Phoenix restaurant just before 11 a.m. MST.
Police officers located the vehicle and began a pursuit and the man fired several shots, Thompson said. He said at least one shot hit the police vehicle but the officers escaped injury.
The suspect headed west on Interstate 10, then pulled onto a dirt road near the town of Tonopah that Thompson said was "70 to 80 miles east of the California line."
TV footage showed the man exiting the vehicle and running erratically in a field before putting the gun to his head and firing. He then fell to the ground.
"Efforts to revive him were not successful and he was dead at the scene," Thompson said. "We don't have an ID yet."
Fox returned repeatedly to shots showing the car passing big-rig trucks that typically travel at about 70 mph as if they were standing still.
Police cars did not appear to be immediately behind the car during most of the chase.
Smith was narrating the video and clearly had his doubts about what was being shown from the moment the man stopped the car. "This scares me," he said.
"You wait for the end of these things and you worry about how they may end up," he said. "This makes me a little nervous, I got to tell you. A little nervous."
After the man shot himself, Fox's picture quickly cut to Smith, who was shouting "get off, get off, get off, get off."
Smith apologized repeatedly following the commercial break.
"That didn't belong on TV. We took every precaution we knew how to take to keep that from being on TV and I personally apologize to you that that happened," he said.
AP television writer David Bauder reported from New York. Associated Press writer Walter Berry in Phoenix also contributed to this report.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Christie's will offer 50 items of James Bond memorabilia over the coming week in a charity sale that culminates in a live auction next Friday, the 50th anniversary of the release of the first 007 movie "Dr. No".
The auction, which will raise funds for a range of charities including UNICEF, is one of a series of events being held around the world to mark the anniversary of one of the world's longest-running and most successful film franchises.
Fifty lots will be up for sale, many of them coming from EON Productions, the company behind the movie series.
Of the total, 40 will be sold online between September 28 and October 8 and 10 of the star items have been reserved for the live auction on October 5, "Global James Bond Day", at Christie's offices in South Kensington in London.
All lots will go on public display there from Saturday until October 4. Admittance is free.
"I think what we wanted to do was to celebrate the 50th anniversary in a meaningful way and let people have the opportunity to buy some of the things in our archive that we could raise money for charity from," said Michael G. Wilson, who along with Barbara Broccoli is guardian of the Bond films.
"There's a lot of things ... from 1,000 pounds ($1,600) on up, really," he told Reuters. "There's plenty of things for a whole range of collectors."
Among the highlights for him was a one-third scale model of an Aston Martin DB5 used in the filming of "Skyfall", the next Bond adventure which hits the screens in October.
The car was used in earlier Bonds and has become closely associated with the fictional double agent.
"In Skyfall we go back to the old Aston Martin, the DB5, we bring that out of mothball," Wilson said.
"We used it in the film but we had to make a model of it. We made an extra model, one third scale ... that was made for the film and I think that's a pretty unique thing to get."
The model is expected to fetch 30-40,000 pounds, while another Aston Martin built in 2008 and used in the opening sequence of the last Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" has a price tag of 100-150,000 pounds.
There is also a special edition of Bollinger champagne on offer for 10-15,000 pounds.
"Can you imagine, a champagne that comes out in an edition of 12 only?" Wilson said.
He added that Bond producers had been working with a number of charities for some time, although their ties to UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, were particularly close through the involvement of former Bond actor Roger Moore.
Among the smaller items being sold are 10 tarot cards used by Jane Seymour playing the character Solitaire in "Live and Let Die" and a belt with a golden bullet buckle worn by Christopher Lee as Scaramanga in "The Man With the Golden Gun".
"With memorabilia offered from every official Bond film ever made, the auction is sure to appeal to new and established fans of the famous British spy," said Nicolette Tomkinson, a director at Christie's.
(Reporting by Mike Collett-White, editing by Paul Casciato)
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/christies-offers-bond-items-50th-anniversary-093747399.html
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FORT BRAGG, N.C. (AP) ? An Army brigadier general who served five combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan has been charged with forcible sodomy, multiple counts of adultery and having inappropriate relationships with several female subordinates, two U.S. defense officials said Wednesday.
The defense officials spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to provide details on the case.
Brig. Gen. Jeffrey A. Sinclair faces possible courts martial on charges that include forced sex, wrongful sexual conduct, violating an order, possessing pornography and alcohol while deployed, and misusing a government travel charge card and filing fraudulent claims.
Sinclair, who served as deputy commander in charge of logistics and support for the 82nd Airborne Division in Afghanistan, was sent home in May because of the allegations, the officials said.
Sinclair was informed of the charges on Monday, and the next step will be an Article 32 investigation, including a preliminary hearing to determine if the matter should go to trial.
He had arrived in Afghanistan for his deployment in September 2011, but had been serving as the division's deputy commander since July 2010.
Sinclair, a trained paratrooper who has been in the Army for 27 years, was serving his third deployment to Afghanistan. He had also served two tours in Iraq, as well as a tour in the first Gulf war.
Army officials have scheduled a news conference for 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.
The charges were first reported by the Fayetteville Observer.
Baldor reported from Washington.
Source: http://news.yahoo.com/us-general-charged-adultery-other-sex-crimes-193011953.html
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AUGUSTA, Maine ? Gov. Paul LePage has appointed Kevin Healey, currently vice president of human resources at St. Mary?s Health System in Lewiston, as vice chairman of the State Workforce Investment Board.
Healey has been a member of the workforce investment board since LePage created it last December, two months after discovering that in recent years the four regional workforce development boards had used roughly 20 percent of federal workforce training funds for job training, while the rest was used for administration and overhead. Those four regional workforce boards were eliminated and the new State Workforce Investment Board officially replaced the Maine Jobs Council last month, according to the jobs council?s website.
When asked what his priority would be in his new role, Healey said it was to make sure federal money flowing into Maine for workforce training is used effectively.
?I want to see those dollars used as efficiently as possible so more people have the skills they need to get a job,? he said. ?Not to say it hasn?t been done in the past, but I think we can do it in a more targeted and more collaborative manner.?
The workforce investment board?s new strategic plan involves collaborating with the state?s chambers of commerce to better understand the workforce needs of businesses.
The board consists of 35 members from the business, economic development and education fields, as well as a few legislators, according to the state website. It is tasked with advising the administration and Legislature on workforce development issues, as well as managing the effort to improve Maine?s workforce development system so it is able to meet the future needs of Maine employers.
In his current position at St. Mary?s, Healey is responsible for all aspects of human resources management for both the health system and St. Joseph hospital. Previously, he served as a human resources division director at Unum in Portland and as the executive director of the Unum Foundation.
Healey?s ?background in human resources and management will serve the board and Mainers well,? Fred Webber, chairman of the workforce investment board, said in a statement.
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The good news in the wake of last night?s very bad news at the end of the Packers-Seahawks game is that the NFL and the locked-out officials spent a fourth straight day negotiating on Tuesday.
The bad news in the wake of last night?s very bad news at the end of the Packers-Seahawks game is that the NFL doesn?t seem to recognize that it has gambled with the use of replacement officials ? and it has lost.
Per multiple reports (including one from Peter King of SI.com and one from Nancy Gay of FOXSports.com), the NFL has opted to stand firm on certain key issues.
First, the NFL wants a bench of replacements (they?ll need a better word than that) to serve as in-season understudies for officials who aren?t performing at an acceptable level.? King reports that the NFL won?t guarantee that the officials will work at least 15 games.
Second, the pension issue continues to prevent an agreement.? The league wants to change from a defined-benefit pension plan to a defined-contribution system.? The difference, per King, is roughly $3.3 million per year.? The officials don?t believe they should have to tighten belts at a time when the NFL continues to grow fat.
Third, the amount of the raise for the officials remains in dispute.? The officials want an eight-percent bump.? The NFL has offered an increase of 2.5 percent.? Again, the discrepancy comes from the fact that the officials believe that, as the league?s pie grows, their slice of it grows commensurately.
The NFL remains stubborn, oblivious (at least externally) to the fact that the performance of the replacement officials underscores the value of the regular officials, who operate far more efficiently and reliably in the crucible of 60,000 fans and foul-mouthed coaches and big, strong, fast players and millions of eyeballs.? The performance of the replacements demonstrates the value of the regulars, and yet the league refuses to relent.
As King explains it, the league wants to ?wrest back control of the officials? performance week to week in an NFL season.?? But the ritual of collective bargaining requires a party that wants something to give something.? It seems like the NFL wants plenty, and that the NFL likewise isn?t willing to bend.
Sure, a raise has been offered.? Why shouldn?t it be?? Everybody connected to the NFL is making more and more money.? The officials should get more and more, too, especially if the NFL wants to emerge from the talks with new powers.
When it comes to the power the NFL has amassed over player discipline, the league is quick to point out that the NFLPA has sacrificed those rights through collective bargaining.? Regardless of whether it makes sense for the league to have a bench of officials, the NFL has in past negotiations allowed the current system to emerge.? To change it, the NFL must make real concessions.
But the NFL doesn?t want to make real concessions.? The NFL never wants to make real concessions.? That?s fine, but the NFL can?t then pretend that everything is fine.
As King writes, ?Ihe NFL is willing to look at the dispute as something like a game of chess vs. a game of checkers.? The league believes that the short-term pain of a football nation up in arms will be worth it two to four years down the road if they can improve the overall quality of officiating by adding what would be a taxi squad of three additional crews.?
Or the NFL can acquire that right by paying for it.? Instead, the NFL is willing to alienate fans, anger players, and tarnish ?the shield? in order to get its way, hoping that half of the locked-out officials plus one eventually will vote to take the deal.
The NFL is taking us all for granted.? In the end, there?s a good chance the NFL is guessing right.? But that doesn?t make it right.
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(Institute for Healthcare Improvement) ? At IHI, as part of my work on the Quality Track for the Joint Learning Network for Universal Health Coverage, I bridge connections and enable dialogue among physicians, policymakers, and researchers across the globe who are trying to tackle one of the most exciting and important challenges of our generation: providing universal health coverage to people of all income levels. Sounds sexy, huh? Last week, I put this grand idea to the test for our monthly JLN webinar series with colleagues in Asia and Africa. The topic: What indicators should you use to measure the quality of care? How do you know that your health system has improved
More here?-?
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Source: http://www.globalhealthhub.org/2012/09/24/what-does-international-dialogue-really-look-like/
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Hong Kong had the highest turnout in memory for elections yesterday, underscoring its commitment to the 'two systems government' that Beijing agreed to in the 1997 handover.
By Robert Marquand,?Staff writer / September 10, 2012
Residents walk in front of campaign banners from various candidates for the Legislative Council election campaign in Hong Kong Sept. 9. Hong Kong residents voted for a new legislature on Sunday, a day after the territory's Beijing-backed leader backed down on a plan to introduce a compulsory Chinese school curriculum after tens of thousands of people took to the streets.
Bobby Yip/Reuters
EnlargeHong Kong?s highest election turnout in years yesterday showed a thriving democratic sentiment in a nation that otherwise doesn?t go to the polls.
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The heavy turnout hinged on tumult surrounding a ?patriotic? education plan for Hong Kong schools ? seen as a proxy for Beijing propaganda ? and voter desire to weigh in on the future of the pilot program, which was rejected by all but two of hundreds of schools on the island.
Yesterday?s vote showed political sophistication, analysts say, aided largely by youth, in a vote where bread-and-butter issues like housing and pay figured prominently as well.
Young Hong Kongers spurred a political protest ?movement bigger than anything I?ve seen in a long time,? says Michael DeGolyer, who has long studied city politics at Hong Kong Baptist University. ?You had 16-year-olds bringing their parents into politics, not the other way around.?
The patriotic education course was aimed at elementary-level students and got heavy criticism for teaching little or nothing about cataclysmic events like the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, or the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Critics branded it ?brainwashing.??
Hong Kong has long harbored a distrust of mainland Beijing?s heavy-handed efforts to ?make? Hong Kong a ?Chinese? city, even as Hong Kong?s history, civil service, education, and business acumen make it a financial services hub with international characteristics.
After the crippling SARS outbreak in 2003 and efforts by Beijing to institute a ?subversion? law that would throttle free expression, Hong Kong?s civic base has steadily mobilized, despite handicaps in the city governing structure, which favors Beijing.
For weeks ahead of the vote Sunday, ordinary people thronged the eastern business district.
In a rare move, pro-Chinese forces in Hong Kong backed down from plans to make the national education mandatory by 2015. At the 11th?hour on Saturday word came the plan would be voluntary, though many Hong Kongers were suspicious it could reappear later, an old tactic.
In the scale of problems faced by China this fall, though, Hong Kong may not be at the top of the list.
Beijing?s Politburo undergoes a once-in-a-decade leadership change this fall amid recriminations and turmoil over incidents like the disappearance of Bo Xilai. Its stellar growth rate is in some decline. China is also in the middle of tension-building territory disputes in the South China Sea.
Then there is the sense of disquiet and spiritual hunger among the rank and file, according to Gerard Lemos, who has studied ordinary Chinese people in the heartland since 2007. Any kind of unrest, including that in Hong Kong, tends to trouble China?s leaders, who have long said ?stability? is the chief virtue of statecraft.
The patriotic education issue appeared to push voter turnout high enough to give fractious pro-democracy forces enough seats in the legislature (27) to block pro-China forces in coming sessions.
Much credit goes to Hong Kong youth: ?I could not believe the organization, the discipline shown by these kids,? Mr. DeGolyer said by phone. ?They picked up after themselves, articulated what they wanted, and when they didn?t get everything, they didn?t escalate, which has been the problem in the past, but organized a different way forward. It was astonishing.?
He adds: ?If Hong Kong can handle its youth unrest well, then the unrest of youth in China, which we know is growing, may bring the PRC [People's Republic of China] to come here and ask, ?how are you doing this?? ?
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Article by Groshan Fabiola
Due to the fact that multiple sclerosis is a complex disease that primarily causes impairments at the level of the central nervous system (CNS) that later spread in multiple regions of the body, the produced symptoms are various and can perceived at different intensities. In its first stages of progression, multiple sclerosis generates a wide variety of mild to moderate neurological symptoms. In more advanced phases of the disease, when other body systems also become affected, multiple sclerosis may cause many different physical manifestations.
The undesired effects of multiple sclerosis on the human body are often irreversible, rendering prompt medical intervention crucial for reducing the development of complications. Despite the fact that there is no specific cure for multiple sclerosis in present, the existing forms of treatment can successfully control the progression rate and the symptoms characteristic to this type of disease. Thus, patients are usually administered an appropriate treatment as soon as they are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are diversified and they can occur in many different body regions. Most patients have individualized symptoms of multiple sclerosis, manifestations that generally occur in episodes, or flares. The intensity, frequency and duration of multiple sclerosis symptoms are strongly influenced by the stage of progression and the specific subtype of the disease. The progression of multiple sclerosis is often unpredictable, alternating between phases of symptomatic remission and phases of relapse. The majority of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis experience recidivating symptoms that generally tend to amplify in the stages of relapse.
Common symptoms of multiple sclerosis comprise generalized fatigue, body weakness, sensations of tingling, burning, pain and numbness in the muscles, loss of dexterity and poorly coordinated body movement. Other common symptoms produced by multiple sclerosis are: vision problems, shaking of the limbs, spasms, convulsions, inability to maintain balance, dizziness, vertigo and confusion. In more advanced phases of disease, multiple sclerosis can also generate manifestations such as partial paralysis, renal and gastrointestinal problems.
Neuropsychological symptoms of multiple sclerosis generally occur in the incipient stages of disease, gradually amplifying over time. Such symptoms include inaccurate perceptions, decreased concentration, short-term memory loss (amnesia), reduced judgment and unexpected changes in behavior. A symptom that is commonly seen in patients with multiple sclerosis is depression. Persons with multiple sclerosis eventually become depressed and refuse any form of social interaction. Although depression and other similar neuropsychological symptoms are a common problem among patients with multiple sclerosis, medical scientists haven?t yet unveiled the exact origin of such manifestations.
While some groups of medical scientists believe that most neuropsychological symptoms are solely the result of impairments at the level of the central nervous system, others believe that they are a consequence of prolonged treatment. This second opinion is considered to be more accurate, as the psychological symptoms of patients with multiple sclerosis gradually ameliorate after the treatment is interrupted.
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We recommend you clicking this site http://www.multiple-sclerosis-center.com for more multiple sclerosis subjects like multiple sclerosis information or multiple sclerosis treatment
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Source: http://justarticles.net/09/the-wide-spectrum-of-multiple-sclerosis-symptoms/
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/volkswagen-drops-appeal-gti-dispute-suzuki-132823888--finance.html
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Remember the Sony HMZ-T2 3D head-mounted display that we tried on back at IFA? Well, it's being prominently featured here at TGS, too. Tucked away at a smaller, much more modest booth around the corner, however, is something a smidge more interesting. Kept behind glass and a safe distance away from our grubby mitts and sweaty foreheads resides the "Prototype-SR" (Substitutional Reality) that was outed on YouTube last week. Essentially, the unit appears to be the HMZ-T2 with a front-mounted camera for head tracking and camera functionality -- the sort of thing that will provide what's being called a 360-degree immersive entertainment experience. From what we can tell from the booth monitors, the unit displays 3D video overlaid in real space for the person wearing the device. Details are scarce and extremely limited demos were available in an apparent lottery (no luck here). You can rest assured that if we're able to snag one, though, we'll be sure to offer up some impressions. For now, take a look at the camera-wielding set of hi-tech goggles in the gallery below and the aforementioned video awaits just past the break.
Filed under: Gaming, Peripherals
Sony 'Prototype-SR' spotted at TGS 2012: the HMZ-T2 tacks on a camera, plays with user perception (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 06:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Although TDK mentioned its Wireless Charging Cube at IFA with the rest of its latest portable audio wares, it wasn't until today that we got a look at the speaker. The six by six by six-inch (yes, you read that right) unit features the same retro, black and gold aesthetic as TDKs other Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR speakers, but it's notably housing a Qi-compatible inductive charging base at the top (just like JBL's Lumia-styled Power Up speakers). Along with being splash-resistant enough to stay safely within range of your sink, an internal rechargeable battery will net you roughly six to eight hours of untethered play time. We had a very brief ears-on with this $400 unit, so join us past the break for more details and our initial impressions.
Filed under: Portable Audio/Video
TDK's Wireless Charging Cube pumps out the jams, juices your Qi devices and resists water (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 20 Sep 2012 19:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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Alice Englert and Alden Ehrenreich star in clip, which teases Lena and Ethan's budding romance and the challenges they face.
By Kara Warner
Alden Ehrenreich and Alice Englert in "Beautiful Creatures"
Photo: Warner Bros.
Source: http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1694142/beautiful-creatures-trailer.jhtml
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MSNBC host Alex Wagner moderates a town hall with Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and Amnesty International live from the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
By NBC News staff and wire services
Myanmar's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi has called for the release of the members of the Russian punk rock band Pussy Riot.
At an event organized by Amnesty International on Thursday, Suu Kyi accepted a bouquet from family members of one of the group's three members, Nadia Tolokonnikova.
The punk band members were sentenced in August to two years in prison for performing an irreverent song mocking Russian President Vladimir Putin inside Moscow's main cathedral.
Suu Kyi's journey to global icon: a heart-breaking tale of personal sacrifice
Responding to a question, Suu Kyi said: "I don't see why people should not sing whatever they want to sing."
She added jokingly that was unless they sing terribly.?
Her comments came during a town hall moderated by MSNBC's Alex Wagner.
Suu Kyi was one of the world's most famous political prisoners until her release two years ago.?
She is now on a coast-to-coast tour of the United States. On Wednesday, she met President Barack Obama at the White House and received the Congressional Gold Medal for her long fight for democracy in a country ruled by army generals since 1962.
Suu Kyi honored with Congress' highest award?
U.S. lawmakers and officials who turned out to honor Suu Kyi expressed amazement ? some tearing up ? that she had made the journey from house arrest to Washington.
Suu Kyi won the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize for championing democracy in opposition to the military junta that held her under house arrest for years. Her last stay in the United States was in the 1970s as a United Nations employee.
Russia PM Medvedev: Pussy Riot members should be freed
Suu Kyi's election to parliament in April helped to transform the pariah image of Myanmar and persuade the West to begin rolling back sanctions after a year of dramatic reforms, including the release of about 700 political prisoners.
The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi received the highest honor bestowed by Congress, the Congressional Gold Medal, and thanked the U.S. for its support of her struggle for democracy. NBC's Kelly O'Donnell reports.
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Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-reports-first-debt-campaign-014954415--abc-news-politics.html
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JetBlue Airways' high-speed wireless initiative is being held in a flight pattern until "early 2013," apparently. The company announced as much in a detailed blog post this afternoon, which also compared speeds of its forthcoming in-plane high-speed internet to the competition -- JetBlue's Ka-band operates roughly eight times faster than the Ku-band competition, and over nine times faster than ATG. Moreover, Ka-band can scale to a full plane of passengers, meaning everyone gets the "at-home experience" they'd like regardless of how many folks are signed on. As previously noted, the "basic Wi-Fi" service with JetBlue will cost nothing -- which sounds to us like there are plans to reveal a more expensive tier (or tiers) in the near future. But then again, we really like free things.
Filed under: Transportation, Wireless, Internet
JetBlue Ka-band high-speed internet now arriving in early 2013, eight times faster than the competition originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 18 Sep 2012 13:52:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
Permalink |Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/09/18/jetblue-ka-band-2013/
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