Friday, August 31, 2012

Do You Feel Lucky, Mitt Romney?

By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone ) and AMY WALTER ( @amyewalter )


CHANGE IN PLANS - ROMNEY TO NEW ORLEANS: After a "farewell" event in Florida this morning with running mate Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney plans to fly to New Orleans to tour Hurricane Isaac damage. "Governor Romney will join Governor Jindal and will meet with first responders, thank them for their work and see areas impacted by the storm in LaFitte, La," Romney campaign spokesman Rick Gorka told ABC News. Ryan's schedule remains the same. He will go on to a second rally in Richmond, Virginia which was originally supposed to be joint event with Romney.

OBAMA CAMPAIGN ON ROMNEY'S SPEECH: Obama campaign manager Jim Messina: "Much like the entire Republican Convention, Mitt Romney's speech tonight offered many personal attacks and gauzy platitudes, but no tangible ideas to move the country forward. What he didn't share were his actual proposals, which would take our country backwards: another $5 trillion in budget-busting tax cuts for the wealthy paid for by the middle class; transforming Medicare into a voucher program on the backs of seniors; an end to fuel efficiency standards and tax credits for renewable energy; deep cuts in student grants and loans; and the rollback of Wall Street reforms. And in an almost 45-minute speech, Mitt Romney didn't find a moment to mention Afghanistan. With no new plans and evasion about his real plans, Mitt Romney leaves this convention no stronger than he came."

THIS WEEK ON 'THIS WEEK': DAVID PLOUFFE. As Democrats prepare to take the stage in Charlotte, N.C. for their party convention next week, the architect of President Obama's 2008 election victory, White House senior adviser David Plouffe, speaks with George Stephanopoulos, Sunday on "This Week." Plus, the powerhouse roundtable debates all the week's politics, with ABC News' George Will; Priorities USA co-founder Bill Burton; Romney campaign senior adviser and former Massachusetts Lt. Governor Kerry Healey; Democratic strategist and ABC News contributor Donna Brazile; and political strategist and ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd. Tune in Sunday:

ROMNEY, RYAN GET THEIR WINGS: Today, the day after Mitt Romney officially accepted the presidential nomination of his party at the Republican National Convention, he and vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan will hold a morning campaign event at the Lakeland Linder Regional Airport in Lakeland, Fla. - a community about 30 minutes east of Tampa. That's where, for the first time, he will hop on the campaign plane he will use between now and the November election. The customized jet, a McDonnell-Douglas 83, is emblazoned with the Romney-Ryan logo. Vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan will also get his plane - a DC-93. The planes are Operated by USA Jet Airlines, a Belleville, Mich.-based private charter company that has provided its jets to other political candidates, sports teams, celebrities and bands like U2.


TAMPA, Fla. - The most important speech of Mitt Romney's political career so far was solid, but not bold.

If picking Paul Ryan as his running mate was supposed to turn the conversation to big, bold ideas and hard truths - the Romney speech played it safe.

In fact, Romney mocked the promises made by candidate Obama to save the planet in 2008. His presidency, stressed Romney, wouldn't stop the oceans from rising, but it would create jobs, expand energy production and prevent tax increases.

"President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet," Romney told the crowd after making a State of the Union-like entrance in Tampa. "My promise is to help you and your family."

He went after the president with a velvet glove, not a bare fist. He was speaking less to the folks in the Tampa Bay Times Forum than to the Wal-Mart moms and the suburban and ex-urban voters who supported Obama in 2008 - and still like him personally - but are disappointed in his record in office.

His most important line to these voters: "I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed. But his promises gave way to disappointment and division. This isn't something we have to accept. Now is the moment when we can do something."

As top Romney strategist Stuart Stevens, who also happens to be the chief author of the candidate's speech, put it in an e-mail exchange with ABC News after all the balloons had dropped and confetti had landed on the floor of the convention hall: "It was a speech focused on America not just the hall. It was a speech to win an election. And I think he just knocked it out of the park."

Romney's challenge now: Giving voters a reason to vote for him, not just against

Obama. He laid the foundation for this last night. But it is the debates where he'll have to complete the sale.


ABC's RICK KLEIN: The country is angry and disappointed, but Mitt Romney cast his fate this week with the latter sentiments. He built the foundations of his candidacy around his biography, and more importantly gave voters who supported President Obama four years ago a permission slip to change their minds about him. The nation may never fall in love with Mitt Romney, but the type of love they talked about this week in Tampa can stay in the family. That works particularly well if someone in that family needs a job. Romney doesn't have to create his own fervor, so long as he's holding President Obama's own heady expectations against him.

VIDEO OF THE DAY: Politically Dressed: Fashion at the RNC: An inside look at the kooky side of Republican fashion with ABC News' Shushannah Walshe and political and fashion guru J. Hogan Gidley, former communications director on Rick Santorum's presidential campaign. WATCH:


with ABC's Chris Good ( @c_good)

ROMNEY ACCEPTS. ABC's Russell Goldman and Emily Friedman report: In an energized address that followed three days of speeches by allies, friends and family members, Romney sought to reintroduce himself as a candidate who is sympathetic to the concerns of struggling Americans. "I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed," Romney said. "But his promises gave way to disappointment and division." "Today," Romney said, "the time has come for us to put the disappointments of the last four years behind us." ? "If I am elected president of these United States, I will work with all my energy and soul to restore that America? Let us begin that future together tonight," he said moments before a wall of balloons descended on the convention hall.

A PROMISE OF PRACTICALITY. Mitt Romney made a straightforward bargain with voters in his convention speech Thursday night: "President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. MY promise?is to help you and your family. I will begin my presidency with a jobs tour. President Obama began with an apology tour. America, he said, had dictated to other nations. No Mr. President, America has freed other nations from dictators."

DISAPPOINTED IN OBAMA. The tone Mitt Romney struck wasn't one of anger, but of disappointment in President Obama for failing to deliver on promises, as Romney posed it. From his speech: I wish President Obama had succeeded, because I want America to succeed. But his promises gave way to disappointment and division. This isn't something we have to accept. Now is the moment when we CAN do something. With your help we will do something. Now is the moment when we can stand up and say, "I'm an American. I make my destiny. And we deserve better! My children deserve better! My family deserves better. My country deserves better!"

WHO WAS ROMNEY'S AUDIENCE? ABC's Matthew Dowd talked to Amy Walter and Rick Klein on our livestreamed ABC/Yahoo! convention Web show about whom Mitt Romney's speech was for: "The audience for this speech is a very small audience. It is an audience of some Latino voters, who voted for Barack Obama and don't like the direction of our country, and it's an audience of women voters who like Barack Obama but don't like the direction of the country and have some sort of queasiness about Mitt Romney-and that's his audience for tonight, and that's who he needs to appeal to ? There are basically four moments left for Mitt Romney in the course of this campaign, four big moments left in this campaign, and this is the first one-the other three are the debates-but this is the first moment where he can actually do something to change the trajectory of this race."

ROMNEY SAYS THE 'M' WORD. Thursday night at the Republican National Convention involved more direct discussion of Romney's Mormonism than we've seen previously in this campaign to date, as Romney highlighted something about himself that observers thought might damage him among evangelical Christian voters in the GOP primary. Romney rarely says the word "Mormon," but he did in his primetime speech, and later in it he joked about religion and not asking the church's pension fund to invest in Bain Capital-because he didn't want to go to Hell-another word Romney rarely, if ever, uses. The quote: "I figured it was bad enough that I might lose my investors' money, but I didn't want to go to Hell, too. Shows what I know. Another of my partners got the Episcopal church pension fund to invest, and today there are a lot of happy retired priests who will thank him."

ROMNEY'S BIG NIGHT. ABC's David Muir reports for "World News" on the lead-up to the nominee's big moment: "Tonight here it's MItt Romney's turn to make the case for himself, revising the speech for weeks now on his iPad, the one he carries at his side on the campaign."

EASTWOOD ELECTRIFIES CROWD, INTERVIEWS INVISIBLE OBAMA. ABC's Gregory J. Krieg reports: Clint Eastwood made a surprise appearance at the Republican National Convention Thursday night, calling unemployment in America "a national disgrace" before interviewing an empty chair he addressed as "President Obama." "I got Mr. Obama sitting here and I was gonna ask him a couple questions," Eastwood drawled, turning his head toward the bare stool. "Mr. President, how do you handle promises you made when you were running for election?" he asked. "What do you say to people?" But Eastwood cut off the interviewee: "I'm not gonna shut up. It's my turn," he said.

CLINT EASTWOOD'S THROAT-SLICING MOMENT. Clint Eastwood's appearance offered a big departure from the rest of the convention program, and this moment might have been a bit off message: in talking about firing President Obama for failing to get the job done, Eastwood made a throat-slicing motion. WATCH:

RUBIO HIGHLIGHTS ROMNEY'S IMMIGRANT STORY. In a speech laced with his own compelling personal story, Sen. Marco Rubio praised Mitt Romney by drawing a link between his own immigrant story and Romney's, in the primetime speech preceeding Romney's. Rubio said: ""It's the story of a man who was born into an uncertain future in a foreign country. His family came to America to escape revolution. They struggled through poverty and the great depression. And yet he rose to be an admired businessman, and public servant And in November, his son, Mitt Romney, will be elected President of these United States."

ROMNEY'S FELLOW CHURCHGOERS HIGHLIGHT HIS SERVICE, CARE FOR SICK. Convention planners devoted a chunk of Thursday night to portraying Romney's activities in the Mormon church, with remarks by four of his fellow churchgoers, who highlighted his role in their lives. Some highlights ? Grant Bennett, who succeeded Romney as pastor of their church: "I was an assistant to Mitt when he was our pastor. I had a front row seat and it was marvelous to behold! As we began working together, Mitt asked, "How early can I call you in the morning?" I said 6 a.m. I regret my answer -, Mitt became my alarm clock." ? Pam Finlayson on Romney's help when her daughter was born prematurely: "I will never forget that when he looked down tenderly at my daughter, his eyes filled with tears, and he reached out gently and stroked her tiny back. I could tell immediately that he didn't just see a tangle of plastic and tubes; he saw our beautiful little girl, and he was clearly overcome with compassion for her."

RYAN ON BUDGET CUTS, HIS SON SLEEPING DURING HIS SPEECH. ABC's Diane Sawyer interviewed GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, who told her that "Mitt Romney's been more specific about what it's going to take to prevent a debt crisis, on solutions to get people back to work, than anybody running for president, including the president." WATCH Diane Sawyer's interview with Paul Ryan here:

FEDERAL COURT BLOCKS VOTER ID LAW. From ABC's Ariane de Vogue: A federal court in Washington ruled on Thursday that a Texas Voter ID law violates the Voting Rights Act, effectively blocking the law from taking effect. The unanimous three judge district court ruled, "The State of Texas enacted a voter ID law that - at least to our knowledge - is the most stringent in the country. That law will almost certainly have retrogressive effect: it imposes strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor, and racial minorities in Texas are disproportionately likely to live in poverty." In the weeks leading up to the election, the law - passed by a Republican-led Texas legislature - has gained particular attention as supporters said it was meant to protect voter integrity, while critics claimed it would lead to voter suppression. The Voter ID law requires people voting in person to provide certain government-issued photo IDs when the come to the

ROMNEY MAKING A LIST OF DEMS FOR LAME DUCK? Rep. Cathy McCmorris-Rodgers, who spoke at the convention in Tampa on Thursday night, told Amy Walter and Rick Klein in our live ABc/Yahoo! convention Web show that Mitt Romney's aides are already assembling a list of Democrats with whom to work on key votes in Congress's lame-duck session, should Mitt Romney win: "He's going to be working with us," said McMorris Rodgers. "I am very confident. Even now I've been working as his house liaison. He's interested in meeting with every member, hearing what their ideas are, what their priorities are. They've even talked to me about Democrats they could be reaching out to." "To switch parties?" asked Amy. "No. To work with them across the aisle on all of these important issues," said McMorris Rodgers.

'DAILY SHOW' STAR POKED BY DELEGATE DURING ABC/YAHOO! INTERVIEW. Watch as a GOP delegate interrupts Amy Walter and Rick Klein's interview with Comedy Central's Jason Jones-who said Herman Cain was the funniest GOP candidate of all-by poking Jones with a cane and scolding him for laughing during a serious speech about the deficit. "I've never got poked before," Jones said. Poking happens at 4:59 mark:

MCCONNELL SUMS UP OBAMA'S CAMPAIGN: 'IT'S NOT MY FAULT.' Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell sat with ABC's Amy Walter and Rick Klein for an interview during our ABC/Yahoo! livestreamed convention Web show. McConnell, an experienced political strategist, summed up President Obama's campaign thusly: "They've got a president with a record no one likes. They like him personally, they're disappointed in him, but they don't like what he's done. The only way they can win is to run a campaign basically that could best be described as: It's not my fault. ? They decided to play that card really hard, early."

JEB BUSH'S ADVICE TO MITT ROMNEY: SHOW YOUR HEART. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on Thursday spoke with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who wrote: "It's hard for him to show his heart. I respect that. I was brought up being told not to brag, not to open up and show your frailties and show your emotions, but he has to," Bush told me. "Where it matters is connecting with other people's concerns. I don't think he has to be like this New Age kind of guy all of a sudden. He's not going to be that way."

DNC CHAIR CALLS GOP 'CRASS' FOR PARTYING IN FACE OF ISAAC. ABC's Elicia Dover reports: Democratic National Committee Chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz spoke out today against the Republican National Convention's handling of Hurricane Isaac, which is causing havoc along the Gulf Coast. Wasserman Schultz said the RNC "could have taken things down a notch," during their speeches. "I think it probably was an example of their continued focus of winning at all costs," Wasserman Schultz said.


@PhilipRucker : Shiny new bird RT @hollybdc: Mitt Romney's new campaign plane (Lakeland FL)

@ZekeJMiller : The Ryan plane is as old as the VP candidate?

@nytjim : Question for #DNC2012: Who will be Obama's surprise guest next Thursday in Charlotte?

@HotlineJosh : Kristol hits Romney for not praising troops, talking Afghanistan. Theme at DNC natl security RT @stephenfhayes: No War? ?

@jimacostacnn : Romney camp on Clint: His ad libbing was a break from all the political speeches, and the crowd enjoyed it.


- Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan hold a joint campaign event in Florida before Romney flies to New Orleans and Ryan heads to Virginia.

- President Obama heads to Texas today to tout his foreign policy accomplishments and mark the two-year anniversary of the end of the combat mission in Iraq. Showing off the power of the incumbency, the president will meet with troops and deliver remarks at an official White House event.

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Typically, it's considered good news to lead an important race. In Missouri, it's a cause for anger and wild accusations. Rep. Todd Akin's explosive comments about rape and pregnancy have thrown a bizarre wrench in the Senate race, as partisans on both sides of the aisle claim that pollsters are artificially underestimating the other side's standing -- on purpose. Democratic-leaning pollster Public Policy Polling (PPP) went into the field Monday night -- roughly 24 hours after Akin's initial comments set off a firestorm. ...


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Gay couple sues United Continental over sex toy incident

Courtesy Christopher Bridgeman and Martin Borger

Christopher Bridgeman, left, and Martin Borger are suing United Continental, over an alleged incident involving a sex toy taped to their luggage.

By A. Pawlowski, NBC News contributor

A gay couple is accusing United Continental of ?extreme and outrageous? conduct over an alleged incident involving a sex toy taped to their luggage, which the men say caused them severe emotional trauma.

Christopher Bridgeman and Martin Borger of Norfolk, Va., are seeking damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy and negligence in a lawsuit filed against the airline on Friday in the District Court of Harris County, Texas.

?It still brings butterflies to my stomach,? Borger, 35, told NBC News when recalling the episode.

United countered that it has conducted a thorough investigation and determined that there is no support for the allegations, spokeswoman Christen David said in a statement.

?United does not tolerate discrimination of any kind,? David said. ?We will vigorously defend ourselves and our employees.?

The incident allegedly happened on May 21, 2011, as Bridgeman and Borger were returning from a vacation in Costa Rica. The men?? who have been together for almost nine years ? were flying back to Norfolk on Continental with a 90-minute layover at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston. (Continental merged with United in 2010.)

Once they landed in Houston, the men collected their checked bags, went through customs, rechecked their luggage and boarded their flight to Virginia without incident.

But when they arrived in Norfolk and went to the baggage claim area, the couple discovered a sex toy had been taken from one of their bags, covered in a ?greasy foul-smelling substance? and ?taped prominently? to the top of the bag, according to the lawsuit.

Borger was the one to first spot the luggage.

?I knew exactly what it was when I saw it,? he told NBC News. ?I was absolutely and utterly shocked and embarrassed and humiliated and I didn?t even know what to do at the time.?

Onlookers began laughing when they saw the bag, causing the men severe emotional trauma, according to the lawsuit.

Bridgeman speculated an airline employee went through the bag ? which was closed with a simple zipper ? found the sex toy, saw that it belonged to a man and decided to humiliate the owner.

?I absolutely, fervently believe that this was intentional,? Bridgeman, 34, told NBC News. ?It was very sick and it was very wrong and it was just maliciously taped to the top and targeted because we?re gay.?

Why someone opened the bag in the first place is not clear, said Harry Scarborough, the couple?s attorney. He didn?t know whether the bag was X-rayed at the airport in Houston, but if it was, the sex toy would have been visible, he added.

The airline?s employees had a duty to prevent the bag from being put on display ?in such an extremely offensive condition,? according to the lawsuit.

Bridgeman and Borger said they reported the incident to United Continental after the flight, but weren?t satisfied with the response.

The airline countered that it offered the men a gesture of goodwill, which they declined, spokeswoman Christen David said.

Scarborough said the offer didn?t begin to address what his clients had been through. He declined to estimate how much money the couple is seeking from the airline, but the lawsuit is requesting mental anguish damages, attorney fees and expenses and other compensation.

The couple doesn?t travel much anymore because of the psychological impact of the incident, Scarborough said.

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

BAMF Girls Club: Katniss, Bella, Hermione & Others Cohabitate

Hermione. Katniss. Lisbeth. Buffy. Bella.

Female pop culture icons galore are movin' in, kickin' ass and takin' names together in the BAMF Girls Club, a viral spoof of Oxygen’s Bad Girls Club.

What happens when the beloved heroines from The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Breaking Dawn and other films settle in at a modest home in suburbia?

Find out below:

Highlights include Buffy trying to set Hermione up with her friend Willow, Katniss hiding out in a tree, and general conflict over various living habits.

Just wait for the next episode of BAMF Girls Club and obligatory references to the Kristen Stewart cheating scandal. We foresee trampire taunts.


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Parole board hears chilling details of Lennon shooting

New York State Dept. of Corrections

Mark David Chapman is seen in this May 15, 2012, photo from the New York State Department of Corrections.

By Jim Gold, NBC News

The killer of ex-Beatle John Lennon says he used hollow point bullets to shoot the singer ?because they were more deadly.?

Mark David Chapman retold chilling details of his Dec. 8, 1980, crime during a New York parole board hearing on Aug. 22. He was denied parole for a seventh time the next day and remains at Wende Correctional Facility in western New York. The parole department released transcripts of the hearing Wednesday.

Chapman said he was living in Hawaii when he decided to target Lennon ?because he was very famous.?

He said he also considered targeting television host Johnny Carson and actor George C. Scott.

But Lennon was more famous, Chapman said. He insisted he had no anger toward Lennon:??If he was less famous than three or four other people on the list, he would not have been shot.?

Associated Press

John Lennon is shown performing Aug. 30, 1972, at New York's Madison Square Garden.

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Chapman said he bought the gun he used in Honolulu and needed only to show a driver?s license to get it. However, he said he?got the hollow-point bullets from an old friend in Atlanta who was a police officer.

?I made a phone call in New York and the fellow said, ?you?re not going to get any bullets out of me. It?s just not done here.??

He said he told his Atlanta friend he needed the bullets for protection.

?I didn?t tell him what I was going to do,? Chapman said.

When asked why he chose hollow-point, Chapman responded ?Because they were more deadly.?

Asked if he wanted to ?inflict death,? on Lennon, Chapman responded, ?Yes. Absolutely.?

Watch TODAY's morning news coverage from the day the legendary musician was assassinated outside his New York City apartment building.

Chapman said he had flown from Hawaii to New York twice to check out Lennon?s apartment building, called the Dakota.

He said on one trip, he saw the film ?Ordinary People,? and called his wife, who was in Hawaii, and told her of his deadly plan but that he decided not to go through with it.

The compulsion to kill grew again after he returned to Hawaii, so he flew back to New York without telling his wife he planned to kill Lennon, said Chapman, who was 25 at the time.

Chapman said that on the day he shot Lennon, he staked out the Dakota from before noon and talked to him early in the day.

?He was very kind to me? and signed an album while his wife, Yoko Ono, waited in a limousine, Chapman said.

?Very cordial and very decent man,? Chapman said.??? But I was so compelled to commit murder that nothing would have dragged me away from that building.?

Just before 11 p.m., Lennon and Ono arrived at the apartment building. Ono?got out of the car first, Chapman said, and went into the alcove of the Dakota as Lennon lingered at the car a moment.

?And then when Mr. Lennon passed me I turned, pulled out my weapon and shot him in the back,? Chapman said.

The record, he said,?shows him calling out ?Mr. Lennon,? but he told the parole board he didn?t say that.

?I just shot him,? he said.

Chapman fired five shots with a .38-caliber revolver, hitting Lennon four times in front of Ono and others.

There was a scream, and the Dakota doorman, Jose, grabbed Chapman?s pistol, the gunman told the parole board.

Chapman said he was carrying a copy of J.D. Salinger?s ?The Catcher in the Rye? when he shot Lennon. He claimed to identify with the main character, ?who seemed to be lost and troubled.?

While in prison, Chapman said, he has been in his cell writing letters, reading and thinking.

He also said he has been having?conjugal visits with his wife ?pretty steady? for 20 years. His wife lives in Hawaii, he said.

He also said he has a ?deep relationship with Christ? that started when he was in a Christian camp at age 16.

?So this is obviously very embarrassing for me now, having committed murder,? Chapman said.

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If he were to be paroled, Chapman said, he would go to Medina, N.Y., about 50 miles northeast of Buffalo, where a minister whom his wife met offered to refurbish an apartment and give him two jobs on his farm.

Chapman said he had corresponded with the pastor but?met him just two days before the parole hearing.

The reason for the crime, according to Chapman: ?Attention, bottom line.?

He said he received the attention but now he feels it was an??absolutely ridiculously selfish act to take another human life so that I could be pumped up into, you know, something that I wasn?t to begin with.?

He also told a parole commissioner, ?Fame is ridiculous. It holds no value.?

?It was a very selfish act and I deeply regret it,? Chapman told the board. ?I?m sorry for my crime.?

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How Faithful Are You Really in Your Marriage? | Psychology Today

Along with sexual fidelity, ?emotional fidelity? and ?financial fidelity? constitute the mortar of trust that cements together the bricks of love in a marriage.

Emotional fidelity simply means that one remains emotionally faithful by not being too flirtatious or provocative with another person.? Thus, instead of spending emotional capital by even innocently flirting with someone other than your spouse, that ?currency? should be spent in the emotional economy of your marriage.? To be sure, the slope of flirtation is very slippery indeed and people can easily find themselves having an emotional affair before they know what has happened. So, basically, do not say anything to another man or woman privately that you would be reluctant to say to him or her in front of your spouse.? Of course, this goes equally for any form of communication like texting and emailing, too.? ??

Similarly, be careful not to offer too much emotional support to other people, no matter how near and dear to you they are, at the expense of satisfying your partner?s emotional needs.? This gets complicated when the other people you?re emotionally nourishing are your children, but, in general, a balance needs to be struck so that your spouse is not neglected because you?re drained by satisfying the emotional needs of your kids.?

Now, financial fidelity is simply being completely open and transparent about spending money and never making unilateral decisions that involve big purchases.? So, if you have a secret bank account, a hidden stash of cash, or make big purchases you keep concealed from your partner, you are being financially unfaithful (yes, even if you?re the primary or sole earner).

Just like with emotional fidelity, the key here is to never do anything secretly with money that you would be reluctant to do in front of or with your spouse.

While a bit of an over-simplification, it really is just that easy.? Simply treat emotional support, flirtation, and money the same way you relate to sex in your marriage (openly, honestly, and faithfully, I hope!) and then you will enjoy total, marital fidelity.

In concluding, I want to be clear that I?m not talking about ?total honesty is the best policy? by advocating that spouses should be completely open and uncensored with each other all the time.? In fact, as I?ll probably blog about in a future post, total honesty is not always the best policy and people are well advised not to reveal some of their deeply private, most honest, thoughts and feelings to their spouses.? Hence, honesty balanced with tact and rational restraint is the best policy.

Remember:? Think well, act well, feel well, be well!

Copyright by Clifford N. Lazarus, Ph.D


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Recipe: Green Pi?a Colada Smoothie Recipes from The Kitchn | The ...

Do you like pi?a colada? Then you'll love this nutritious take on the classic. With its fresh coconut and no added sugar, you won't feel guilty about enjoying this smoothie everyday. My friend Alejendra (who also happens to be a doctor) shows us how she makes her delicious green pi?a colada for her family.

2012-08-29-PinaColadaSmoothie1.jpgAlejandra believes in the power of a good diet and a healthy food lifestyle. You know this drink is good for you before even drinking it, thanks to the bright green color from the collard greens. By blending up these raw greens, the blender does the work of breaking down the tough leaves so they're more efficiently absorbed by our bodies. Everything from the bananas to the pineapple to the coconut provides a healthy source of vitamins and minerals that come together in a smoothie that is as good for you as it tastes.

? Visit Alejandra's website: Nourish Medicine

2012_08_28-Green_Pina_Colada_Recipe_Kitchn_2411.jpgA young coconut (which doesn't have the familiar brown husk of the mature variety) can be found in some organic supermarkets like Whole Foods (usually with chilled produce). It is used because the flesh inside is soft and can be easily scooped out. The young coconut also contains more nutrient-rich water. If you can get your hands on one, go for it?if not a can of coconut milk will also do.

I also love how Alejandra uses frozen pineapple instead of ice to keep the smoothie from getting too watered down. The flavor of the coconut really comes through and the greens taste bright and herby (not bitter). You'll definitely appreciate the fresh hunger-satisfying feeling you get from drinking this smoothie. Try having it for lunch or a mid-afternoon snack to supercharge your day.


Green Pi?a Colada Smoothie

Serves 3 to 4

1 young Thai coconut ( or a 13.5-oz can of coconut milk)
1 banana
1 16-ounce bag frozen organic pineapple (unsweetened)
1/2 bunch of collard greens, stems removed (4-5 large leaves)

First, open the coconut by taking a sharp knife and trimming away the soft skin from the top. (See instructions and photos here showing how to open a coconut.) The shell of the coconut is round, so you want to fully expose that hard, rounded top. Holding the coconut firmly, use a cleaver or chef's knife to whack into the dome. Turn the coconut and repeat whacking until you have cracked the shell around all edges. You should be able to now peel or pull of the top of the shell. Be careful not to spill out any of the water from inside the coconut.

Pour the water from inside the coconut into the blender. Add the banana, frozen pineapple, and collard greens. Scoop out all the white pulp from the coconut with an ice cream scooper and put in the blender as well. (If you're not using a whole coconut, add the coconut milk now.)

Start at the blender's lowest speed setting (usually "crush ice") and work your way up to the highest setting until the smoothie is well blended. Add cold water if the mixture is too thick and blend until desired consistency is achieved.

Pour the green smoothie into juice glasses and enjoy. I like pouring the drink in the young coconut shell itself for a more festive treat. Store leftovers in an air-tight container or thermos in the fridge or freezer.

Related: Baking with Coconut Oil: Our 10 Favorite Recipes

(Images: Chris Perez)


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

LG preps 21:9 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012

LG preps 219 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012

It's tradeshow season and as is its custom, LG is bringing monitors packed with its latest and greatest display technology to show off. Just announced ahead of IFA 2012 are the EA93 and EA83 IPS LCDs, with the former aimed at entertainment / multitasking and the latter targeting graphics, video and photography pros. The EA93 is a 29-inch 21:9 aspect ratio ultrawidescreen (2560 x 1080) display with a thin bezel designed to immerse the viewer in the content. It can handle a 4-way split screen and connections via DVI Dual Link, DisplayPort, or HDMI with MHL support. The EA83's claim to fame is its 2560 x 1440 WQHD resolution that brings four times the pixel count of 1280 x 720 panels and 99 percent Adobe RGB accuracy. There's no word on the price tag for either of these, but they should start shipping in November.

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LG preps 21:9 aspect ratio EA93 and WQHD EA83 series IPS LCD monitors for debut at IFA 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Aug 2012 23:42:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Top 5 reasons why internet marketing is the best type of advertising ...

Posted by: Andrew | Posted on: August, 27 , 2012 0 Comments

Obviously, we might be a little biased when we say that internet marketing is the best type of advertising for your startup business. But we?re not saying that just to promote our startup internet marketing services. Instead, we?ve got the results to back up that claim.

Internet marketing is the best type of advertising available for many companies, and startups can particularly benefit from implementing internet marketing into their advertising budgets. In fact, in many cases, it?s the only type of advertising you need.

So what makes startup internet marketing so special? Here are the top 5 reasons why we feel internet marketing is the right solution for your startup business:

5) It?s cheap

Okay, internet marketing isn?t always cheap, but it is often the most cost-effective type of marketing available to your startup company. For just a few dollars, anybody can set up a website with a dedicated hosting provider, and free platforms like WordPress make web design a piece of cake. Once you?ve established your website (or paid a professional web development company like Metaphix to do it for you), you can start implementing search engine optimization strategies.

Many SEO strategies are free, while others cost a little bit of money. To expand your startup?s advertising even further, you can implement a Pay-Per-Click PPC through Google AdWords. When done by professional online advertisers like Metaphix, an AdWords campaign has the potential to be very profitable. It involves spending a little money to make a lot of money, and in many cases, your company will be able to generate a consistent profit through PPC advertising.

Put simply, internet marketing is the most cost-effective type of advertising for your startup. Since it?s important to squeeze value out of every penny during the startup phase of any business, internet marketing can help your business achieve its goals today and in the future.

4) It?s not as hard as you think

Internet marketing is a general term that describes thousands of different strategies. Just like offline marketing, internet marketing does not strictly involve web design or writing advertisements; instead, it covers a range of different strategies.

Some of these strategies are easy for beginners to learn, while others are extraordinary difficult. If you want to implement internet marketing strategies yourself, you can start by doing a few basic things. You can talk about your product to folks on Twitter, for example, or promote a free contest via Facebook. These may seem like simple strategies, but they?re internet marketing strategies nonetheless, and they help spread word about your company around the world.

Once you?re ready to expand into more advanced (and profitable) types of internet marketing, you can contact a professional startup web development company like Metaphix to discuss the best way to proceed. Whether it?s a PPC advertising campaign or a complete redesign of your website, we make hard strategies seem simple.

3) It?s not risky

Some types of advertising are risky. You might spend several thousand dollars for a commercial on a local news station, only to generate a paltry number of leads from that campaign. Uh oh! You just spent way too much money converting way too few customers.

Instead of exposing yourself to the risks of traditional media advertising, why not invest in a less risky solution like internet marketing? Although results are not guaranteed with any type of advertising, internet marketing has a phenomenally high success rate ? especially when you enlist the help of a professional internet marketing firm.

2) It has the potential to be massive

In most cases, internet marketing will generate a steady profit for your startup business. You?ll be able to generate a large number of leads while spending a relatively small amount of money. But every internet marketing campaign has one distinct advantage: the potential to go viral.

Think of some of the stupid videos you?ve watched on the internet over the years. Many of those videos were designed by companies with the sole intention to go viral. Your company might create a funny picture that suddenly gets fitted with a witty caption. Or, your product might solve such a widespread problem that it starts being discussed on forums all over the internet. Before you know it, the name of your company is being seen on computer screens around the world.

When content you create goes viral, you start to truly understand the power of internet marketing. Instead of just being limited to a local viewing audience ? like TV, radio, or newspaper advertisements ? internet marketing has the power to make your company explode in popularity all over the world.

1) You can start today

Every second counts when it comes to the early days of your startup. The first few months of a company?s development seem like a blur to many entrepreneurs, and you can?t spend time waiting for a billboard to be painted or for your advertisement to appear on local radio stations. Instead, start your internet marketing campaigns today. Whether you build a blog or fire off a few questions on Facebook or Twitter, you can start seeing the results of internet marketing by the end of today.

What are you waiting for? Get started! Or, contact Metaphix today to see how we can transform your startup?s online presence and maximize the profitability of your advertising budget.

Andrew is a professional freelance writer and web developer with a strong interest in SEO and internet marketing.


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Monday, August 27, 2012

Survivors: strong gas odor before Venezuela blast

Members of a family walk on a street as flames rise after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Members of a family walk on a street as flames rise after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Family members load belongings onto a truck as they evacuate their damaged home after an explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

Firefighters and rescue teams work at the Amuay oil refinery in Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. A huge explosion rocked Venezuela's biggest oil refinery and unleashed a ferocious fire Saturday, killing over 20 people and injuring dozens in the deadliest disaster in memory for the country's key oil industry. (AP Photo/Diario EL Amanecer)

A large fire rises over the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. A huge explosion rocked Venezuela's biggest oil refinery, killing at least 24 people and injuring dozens, an official said. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

People recover belongings from a damaged house after a explosion in the Amuay refinery near Punto Fijo, Venezuela, Sunday, Aug. 26, 2012. Venezuelans who live next to the country's biggest oil refinery said they smelled a strong odor of sulfur hours before a gas leak ignited in an explosion on Saturday that killed at least 39 people and injured more than 80. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)

PUNTO FIJO, Venezuela (AP) ? After nightfall on Friday, as red lights began glowing atop the massive Amuay refinery in western Venezuela, the odor of sulfur made its way through the surrounding neighborhood of working-class homes and small shops.

Francisco Gonzalez, a stocky accountant with dark hair, noticed the smell after 7 p.m. as he climbed the stairs to his second-story apartment across the street from the refinery. He had smelled the fumes from gas leaks many times before, so he didn't think much about it as he shut the door.

Six hours later, disaster struck. A powerful explosion ripped through the neighborhood and engulfed part of the refinery in flames, killing at least 39 people and injuring more than 80 in Venezuela's deadliest refinery blast ever.

"The first thing I saw was that the apartment didn't have windows or doors or walls, just a floor and a roof," Gonzalez said. "I don't know how we survived."

In the dark, the 31-year-old man made his way downstairs to the street, where he, his brother and sister-in-law joined terrified neighbors. Some were wounded. Others were shouting.

When Gonzalez looked at the back of his right hand, it was bleeding from gashes.

At about 2 a.m., the halls of the hospital were filling up with wounded people. Doctors and nurses hurried to treat the most seriously hurt, while Gonzalez and others sat on the floor waiting their turn.

Back at the refinery, soldiers, firefighters and state oil company workers were diving into action. Bodies were pulled from the rubble and lifted onto pickup trucks.

Stella Lugo, the governor of Falcon state, went on state television to update the nation, setting the initial toll at seven people dead and 48 injured. The toll steadily rose in the next hours.

When she reached the refinery at dawn, Lugo posted a photo on Twitter showing balls of fire and black smoke billowing.

Other government officials went on television saying the gas leak had led to the blast and that the fire was being brought under control. President Hugo Chavez ordered an investigation and declared three days of mourning in the country.

A total of 209 homes and 11 businesses were damaged in the explosion, and a National Guard post next to the refinery was destroyed, Vice President Elias Jaua said on Saturday. He said 18 of the victims were National Guard soldiers.

On Saturday night, dozens of people who had fled their homes in the neighborhood of La Pastora returned to streets covered with rubble, twisted scraps of metal and puddles of spilled fuel.

Gabriela Nunez, a housewife, went back to her home to gather belongings, saying she was worried about looters who had stolen goods from nearby stores hours after the explosion.

"That forced us to come back, even though we're afraid, to save what can be saved and secure our houses," Nunez said.

More than a day after the blast, the flames were still raging on Sunday, sending up a column of dark smoke.

Some oil experts and government critics were also raising questions, saying they believe there hasn't been sufficient maintenance at refineries and that the situation could be making such incidents more likely.

Refinery manager Jesus Luongo denied that, as did Chavez, who spoke to journalists near the refinery on Sunday.

The president said investigators haven't determined what caused the disaster.

"Lack of maintenance? Who can, who can say that right now with any seriousness? Nobody," Chavez said. He said he had spoken personally with some of the military officers who were on duty at the time.

"They tell me that very night, in the rounds that were made a few hours earlier, no substantial leak was detected," said Chavez, who later visited the refinery complex and attended a Mass for the victims.

Amuay is among the world's largest refineries and is part of the Paraguana Refinery Complex, which also includes the adjacent Cardon refinery. Together, the refineries process about 900,000 barrels of crude per day and 200,000 barrels of gasoline.

Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez said the country has enough fuel in storage, "10 days of inventories," to keep the Venezuelan market fully supplied. He said fires were still burning in two fuel storage tanks but that other "process areas" of the refinery were otherwise unaffected.

Once the flames are completely extinguished, Ramirez said, "we have the ability to restart our refinery in two days."

Restarting will be a challenge for Gonzalez, who picked through what remained of his family's apartment, sweeping away debris with a broom. Broken glass littered the floor along with fragments of the shattered walls.

The shop on the first floor was also destroyed, but Gonzalez and his brother and sister-in-law all survived with only minor injuries.

"I'm happy to be here telling this story," Gonzalez said, his hand covered in a bandage and with stitches on his arms. "Material things, although they cost us a great deal to obtain, aren't worth much when you compare them with life."


Associated Press writers Ian James and Christopher Toothaker, in Caracas, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Sunday, August 26, 2012


By my count the literature includes one good book, The Real Romney, by two reporters from the Boston Globe. That's the same Globe with the leftward tilt to its axis and a legendary anti-Romney animus--which lends authority to their largely favorable portrait. The flattering details of Romney's life were so numerous and unavoidable that the authors, dammit, had no choice but to include them.

Romney once famously called himself "severely" conservative. Other adverbs fit better: culturally, personally, instinctively. He seems to have missed out on The Sixties altogether, and wanted to. As a freshman at Stanford he protested the protesters, appearing in the quad carrying signs of his own: SPEAK OUT, DON'T SIT IN! In 1968 the May riots stranded him in Paris. "The disorder appalled him," the authors write. He left Stanford for BYU, where long hair, rock bands, and peace symbols were banned. As a young go-getter he liked to give friends copies of Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill--a Stephen Covey for the Coolidge era, sodden with moral uplift. (Even his anachronisms are anachronistic.) "There was nothing jaded about him," a school friend tells the authors, "nothing skeptical, nothing ironic."?

At his wedding, he declined when the photographer asked him to kiss the bride: "Not for cameras," he said. Since that day, Ann says, they haven't had an argument; friends believe her. And their kids--we've all seen their kids. The authors tick off a typical week for the young family. Sunday: "church, reflection, volunteer work, family dinners." Monday: "family night," when the family gathered for Bible stories and skits about animals. Tuesday was for family basketball games and cookouts. Friday was date night for Mitt and Ann. Saturday was for doing chores, and so on, in a pinwheel of wholesomeness that a -post-60s ironist can only gape at, disbelieving. The Romneys present a picture of an American family that popular culture has been trying to undo since--well, since An American Family, the 1973 PBS documentary that exposed the typical household as a cauldron of resentment and infidelity.?

And now, here, 40 years later, it's as though it all never happened: a happy American family, led by a baby boomer with no sense of irony! Romney is the sophisticate's nightmare.

Almost every personal detail about Romney I found endearing. But my slowly softening opinion went instantly to goo when The Real Romney unfolded an account of his endless kindnesses--unbidden, unsung, and utterly gratuitous. "It seems that everyone who has known him has a tale of his altruism," the authors write. I was struck by the story of a Mormon family called (unfortunately) Nixon. In the 1990s a car wreck rendered two of their boys quadriplegics. Drained financially from extraordinary expenses, Mr. Nixon got a call from Romney, whom he barely knew, asking if he could stop by on Christmas Eve. When the day came, all the Romneys arrived bearing presents, including a VCR and a new sound system the Romney boys set up. Later Romney told Nixon that he could take care of the children's college tuition, which in the end proved unnecessary. "I knew how busy he was," Nixon told the authors. "He was actually teaching his boys, saying, 'This is what we do. We do this as a family.'?"


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Microsoft's Gutierrez safeguards patents | Kuwait Times

tech2 Microsofts Gutierrez safeguards patents

Horacio Gutierrez, pictured May 14, 2012, Microsoft?s deputy counsel of intellectual property, is known for his legal acumen as well as his good humor. ?MCT

SEATTLE: Forget that his face adorns lunchboxes. Darth Vader is supposed to be menacing. But when Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft?s deputy counsel of intellectual property and licensing, dressed up as the ominous Star Wars Sith Lord one Halloween? Not so much. ?I?ve never seen a happier Darth Vader,? said Gutierrez?s boss, Microsoft general counsel Brad Smith. In some ways that image captures perceptions of Microsoft in the patent battles now raging among tech companies ? and Gutierrez?s role in them.

Microsoft has signed a number of licensing agreements with ? or filed lawsuits against ? companies it says infringe on its patents, most notably manufacturers of devices using Google?s Android operating system. To some, Microsoft is a menace that wields its power to extract sizable royalty payments on Android devices even as its own Windows mobile devices flounder. In that view, Microsoft uses patents as a cash cow rather than a way to protect inventions. To others, Microsoft leads the way in how intellectual-property disputes should be settled, with a preference for licensing over litigation and an eye toward fair settlements ? while protecting its vast investment in research and development over the years. Gutierrez, too, embodies those dual perceptions.

In his role heading the company?s patent, trademark and copyright work, the 47-year-old attorney is in a position to stare down some of the largest technology companies in the world. The work he and his team produce makes headlines, from broad agreements with Samsung to battles with Motorola in courtrooms worldwide. The consequences can be sweeping, from billion-dollar deals to import bans on products. But within Microsoft, Gutierrez is known as much for his good humor as for his legal acumen.

The patent arena is ?filled with conflict, disagreements and complicated technologies. A little humor goes a long way,? said David Kaefer, general manager of intellectual-property licensing, who works for Gutierrez.
The kind of role Gutierrez plays is becoming increasingly visible as high-profile tech companies wage patent battles in courts worldwide over products used daily by millions of people. At Microsoft, Gutierrez leads the team devising strategies on which patents to acquire, what to do with the ones it has, and how to protect its new technologies. He also leads some of the negotiations for licensing deals himself ? including a major 2011 deal with Samsung.

Gutierrez says he thrives on tense negotiations, seeing it as a challenge to break through with humor, empathy and attempts ?to think of ways in which the interests of both companies can be aligned.? ?He?s just creative in finding ways to get the deals done,? said Terry Myerson, head of Microsoft?s Windows Phone division. ?Licensing intellectual property ? doing it in a reasonable but win-win manner -requires incredible creativity and understanding of tech and global intellectual property.? When the Kinect ? Microsoft?s motion- and voice-sensing technology ? was being developed, Gutierrez immediately saw the opportunities for the company, recalled Rich Wallis, deputy general counsel of Microsoft?s interactive entertainment division.

?I remember being in meetings with him where he was so excited about the technology,? Wallis said. ?It was visibly palpable. He?s a high-energy person. His voice gets a little quicker. His eyes light up. The hands start moving.? Gutierrez showed such gusto and ambition from early on. Born and raised in Maracaibo, Venezuela, the son of an attorney father and a homemaker mother, Gutierrez started law school at 16, graduated by 21, and became a partner at a law firm in Venezuela by 28.

He spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University, earning a master?s of law degree, then came to the U.S., working at an investment bank before joining a law firm in Miami and earned his doctor of laws degree from the University of Miami at the same time. ?We quickly realized we had a major talent here,? said Terrence Connor, former managing partner of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, the law firm where Gutierrez worked in Miami. Gutierrez came to work in Microsoft?s Fort Lauderdale, Fla., office in 1998 after one of his law-journal articles ? on the liabilities of manufacturers for the Y2K bug -caught someone?s eye at Microsoft. He first met Smith, his current boss, during one of Smith?s periodic visits to the company?s regional offices.

Over his two-day visit, Smith focused on anti-piracy issues, leaving little time to talk about commercial concerns ? Gutierrez?s area. ?I was so, so mad,? Gutierrez recalls. ?We had literally two hours to talk and I packed a day of content into those two hours. It was possibly a passive-aggressive thing: ?See what you?ve missed by not focusing on this.? ? Smith recalls that Gutierrez ?just jumped off the page. He easily exceeded my expectations.?

A year and a half later, Smith asked Gutierrez to move to Redmond, where he dealt with European Union and US Department of Justice antitrust investigations of Microsoft. After that, he spent four years in Brussels heading up Microsoft?s legal department for Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In 2006, Gutierrez took over as head of Microsoft?s worldwide intellectual-property group. At the time, the company had ?the desire to go out and do some actual deals and (get) paid for our patents,? Gutierrez said. ?I saw it as my mission to conceive of a licensing program as a way of getting deals done.? These days, Gutierrez lives in Clyde Hill, Wash., with his family ? wife Morella Troconis, a mechanical engineer with an MBA who is currently a homemaker, and three children ages 8 to 18.

All three play soccer, which delights Gutierrez, a big fan. Gutierrez has also turned more attention recently to diversity issues, serving as recently elected president of the Northwest region of the Hispanic National Bar Association and, as part of his position at Microsoft, creating a network for women working in intellectual property. To date, Microsoft has reached more than a thousand agreements in which companies either pay Microsoft royalties or have cross-licensing agreements in which each company uses the other?s patented technologies. One company notably absent from that list: Motorola, now owned by Google. Representatives of Motorola and Google declined to comment for this report. But Google has contended elsewhere that Microsoft, having failed to succeed in the smartphone market, is turning to legal wrangling over patents to ?extort profit from others? achievements and hinder the pace of innovation.?

Microsoft has also taken flak in years past after pursuing companies using the open-source Linux operating system, which includes technologies Microsoft said infringes on its patents. Critics slammed the software giant, seeing it as a moral issue of Microsoft trying to stifle open-source development. Gutierrez, naturally, did not see it that way. ?I grappled with (that) perception,? he said. ?I didn?t think there was an actual issue at all. The companies taking advantage of us were commercial companies making money.? That same outlook applies to the company?s patent battles with manufacturers using Android. ?You can?t infringe on another company?s IP and give that away,? Gutierrez said. ?The solution is licensing.?

Currently, more than 70 percent of all US Android devices are licensed under Microsoft?s program. Gutierrez, a history buff, contends what?s happening now with patent battles in the mobile business is what happens every time there?s been a technological disruption: with the sewing machine, the telegraph and the telephone, for instance. ?What happened eventually was that litigation ran its course. Licensing programs took place or, eventually, technology evolved,? he said. Joff Wild, editor of Intellectual Asset Management Magazine, says that in terms of intellectual property, ?I think Microsoft is probably playing the smartphone wars far more intelligently than any other company.? All tech companies try to manage their intellectual property strategically, Wild said. ?I like the Microsoft strategy best because it?s not driven by emotion; it?s driven by business object.? ? MCT

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Tropical Storm Isaac starts lashing Florida Keys

Shira Edllan Gervasi, of Israel, puts her name on plywood protecting a storefront in Key West, Fla., in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

Shira Edllan Gervasi, of Israel, puts her name on plywood protecting a storefront in Key West, Fla., in anticipation of Tropical Storm Isaac on Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

The southernmost point marker is covered in plastic sheeting in Key West, Fla., Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012, in preparation for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

Yoni Haim, left, and Jessica Yeshalek board their storefront as they prepare for Tropical Storm Isaac, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Isaac's winds are expected to be felt in the Florida Keys by sunrise Sunday morning. (AP Photo/Alan Diaz)

A man stands next to his bed after Tropical Storm Isaac destroyed his home and others at a camp set up for people displaced by the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac swept across Haiti's southern peninsula early Saturday, dousing a capital city prone to flooding and adding to the misery of a poor nation still trying to recover from the 2010 earthquake. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)

A home that was built twice within the last two years is left in ruins during the passage of Tropical Storm Isaac near the seawall in Baracoa, Cuba, Saturday, Aug. 25, 2012. Tropical Storm Isaac pushed into Cuba on Saturday after sweeping across Haiti's southern peninsula. Isaac's center made landfall just before midday near the far-eastern tip of Cuba. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

KEY WEST, Fla. (AP) ? Tropical Storm Isaac started pelting the Florida Keys with rain and strong winds on Sunday, and it could strengthen into a dangerous hurricane by the time it starts hitting the northern Gulf Coast in the coming days.

Exactly where Isaac would hit once it passed the Keys remained highly uncertain, with forecasters saying hurricane conditions could reach anywhere from the New Orleans metro area to the Florida Panhandle by Tuesday. And the storm is large: tropical storm conditions extend more than 200 miles from the storm's center, meaning Isaac could cause significant damage even in places where it does not pass directly overhead.

Isaac has brought havoc to the Caribbean already, killing seven people in Haiti and downing trees and power lines in Cuba. And it had officials worried enough in Tampa that they shuffled around some plans for the Republican National Convention.

However, Isaac had yet to create a panic in South Florida, and it wasn't expected to become a hurricane by the time it passed over the Florida Keys. In Miami Shores, some residents said they hadn't even put up storm shutters. Edwin Reeder, 65, stopped by a gas station to pick up some drinks and snacks. He didn't bother topping off his car's half-full fuel tank.

Reeder said he hadn't put up storm shutters, instead just clearing his gutters so all the water could drain. And while he didn't stock up on canned goods for himself, he did buy some extra cat and dog food for his pets.

"This isn't a storm," he said. "It's a rain storm."

On Key West, locals followed time-worn storm preparedness rituals while awaiting the storm after Isaac swamped the Caribbean and shuffled plans for the Republican National Convention. Hundreds of flights were canceled Sunday as the storm bore down.

A steady line of cars moved north Saturday along the Overseas Highway, the only road linking the Florida Keys. Residents boarded up windows, laid down sandbags and shuttered businesses ahead of the approaching storm. Even Duval Street, Key West's storied main drag, was subdued for a weekend, though not enough to stop music from playing or drinks from being poured.

"We'll just catch every place that's open," said Ted Lamarche, a 48-year-old pizzeria owner visiting Key West to celebrate his anniversary with his wife, Deanna. They walked along on Duval Street, where a smattering of people still wandered even as many storefronts were boarded up and tourists sported ponchos and yellow slickers.

"Category None!" one man shouted in a show of optimism.

The Keys were bracing storm surge of up to 4 feet, strong winds and the possibility of tornadoes. The island chain's two airports closed Saturday night, and volunteers and some residents began filing into shelters.

"This is a huge inconvenience," said Dale Shelton, a 57-year-old retiree in Key West who was staying in a shelter.

Isaac has already left a trail of suffering across the Caribbean.

At least seven people were reported dead in Haiti, including a 10-year-old girl who had a wall fall on her, according to the country's Civil Protection Office. The government also reported "considerable damage" to agriculture and homes. Nearly 8,000 people were evacuated from their houses or earthquake shelters and more than 4,000 were taken to temporary shelters.

The Grise River in Haiti overflowed north of Port-au-Prince, sending chocolate-brown water spilling through the sprawling shantytown of Cite Soleil, where many people grabbed what possessions they could and carried them on their heads, wading through waist-deep water.

After Isaac passes the Keys, it will move over the warm, open waters of the Gulf of Mexico and is expected to gain significant strength. It could ultimately make landfall on the northern Gulf Coast late Tuesday or early Wednesday. However, forecasters have stressed that the storm's exact path remains highly uncertain.

"Definitely the northern Gulf Coast should be preparing for a hurricane right now," Jessica Schauer, a meteorologist with the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami, told The Associated Press in a phone interview.

Isaac isn't likely to hit Tampa head-on, but it could still lash the city with rain and strong winds just as the convention ramps up. A tropical storm warning is in effect for parts of Florida's west coast, including Tampa Bay.

Convention officials said they would meet briefly on Monday, then immediately recess until Tuesday afternoon, when the storm is expected to have passed. Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican, declared a state of emergency and canceled his plans to attend convention events on Sunday and Monday.

As of 8 a.m. EDT, the storm was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) southeast of Key West, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center in Miami. Isaac had top sustained winds of 60 mph (97 kph).

It was moving to the west-northwest toward the Keys at 18 mph (29 kph).


Associated Press writers Suzette Laboy in Miami Shores; Bill Barrow in Tampa; Trenton Daniel and Evens Sanon in Port-au-Prince, Haiti; Peter Orsi and Anne-Marie Garcia in Havana; Fernando Gonzalez in Baracoa, Cuba; and Ezequiel Abiu Lopez in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Real estate law - Consumer Electronics Blog

August 25th, 2012

Uncategorized, by TummonsMerrion596.

Real estate law: Not for you?

Genuine estate is indeed one particular of the safest investments and a lot of individuals use actual estate as an investment avenue. Genuine estate law is not the forte of actual estate attorneys and actual estate agents only. Every genuine estate investor ought to realize at least the fundamentals of actual estate law. In fact, a brief course or a concise book on true estate law can occasionally be of excellent aid (and is usually adequate for understanding the basics of real estate law).

What you need to understand is the true estate law with respect to the legal procedures that you need to have to comply with for ensuring a smooth transfer of title to the property you acquire/sell and other associated procedures. You need to have to recognize the fee structure (e.g. stamp duty, etc) that you need to take care of as per real estate law. You can also understand the classification of properties and how the simple true estate law applies to them. How the commercial and residential properties are treated differently by the actual estate law. The tax laws with respect to genuine estate are one of the things that would be of most interest to you. So, your study on genuine estate law should also cover all the aspects associated to taxes. How mortgages are treated in the viewpoint of true estate law is another point that you really should know about. Then again, the actual estate law with respect to tenancy really should also be well understood by men and women who wish to rent out their property.

However, you must not overdo that i.e. you must not begin becoming hysterical about mastering real estate law (lest you end up wasting a lot of time in trying to discover anything about real estate law and be left with no time to evaluate your actual estate investment). Leave the intricacies of actual estate law with the genuine estate attorneys (and to some extent actual estate brokers who too are taught genuine estate law as portion of their course for obtaining broker license).

Understanding the different legal terms referred to in real estate laws can help you in not only enhancing your understanding of actual estate but also aid in creating your conversations with actual estate attorneys/agents actually fruitful. You must also note that even though some of the basics remain the exact same, the genuine estate laws differ across various states. Also, real estate laws (particularly the tax connected real estate laws) can undergo a change over a period of time, so you require to preserve a tab on such modifications. Any massive changes will anyhow seem prominently in news and you will get to know of them anyhow.

So realizing a small bit of genuine estate law can genuinely be useful (and is, in reality, crucial).

To know more, please go to: sun city homes talk

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

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